Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Read Lisa Marie LMNOP's 24Hr-Comic Day comic, 2015

Go to her site and scroll down a bit http://lmnopart.typepad.com/blog/24hcd/
More of her work:  lmnop.art   -    facebook.com/lmnopart


Read Neal Skorpen 24Hr-Comic Day comic, 2015

More of his work - nealskorpen.com 

Read Jack Kotz's 24Hr-Comic Day comic, 2015


More of Jack Kotz's work - Jackkotzcomics.tumblr.com

Read John Bivens 24Hr-Comic Day comic, 2015


More of his work
John Bivens: johnbivens.tumblr.com

Read Alex Mitchell. 24hr-Comic Day comic, 2015

Go check out Alex comic at

More of his work at - alex-mitchell-studio.com & TUMBLR: red-fathoms

24hr -comic day, 2015 - Later in the day; Pizza and doughnuts


Pizza arrives (provided by Source Comics & Games)
 Late in the evening some people left
 Phil Lee and Carlito Quinones change space
 Latham Luepke at the MN Center for Book Arts' library
Night shift: Maddy Gonzalez, Spencer Amudson, Jack Kotz, Alex Araiza

Monday, October 12, 2015

2015 Official participants' photos

This picture was taken at the MN Center for Book Arts - Oct 3rd, 2015, around noon.

 Oct 4th, 2015, around 6AM.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

24 Hour Comics Day 2015, early afternoon

24 Hour Comic Day 2015 is in full force at the Center for Book Arts today! Stop on down to check it out and participate!

I dropped by with a load of 24 hour comic boxes from previous years for all the participants. There are still a number of them left for anyone who wants one, so stop on by and grab one while they are still around if you want one, no participation necessary.

Hard to believe we've been doing these annually most years for over a decade, now. Here are the participants so far today. Unfortunately, I did not get everyone's name (we all miss David Steinlicht... if you want your name added let me know at webmaster(at)cartoonistconspiracy.com).

Come see these fresh early afternoon faces slowly deteriorate into madness as the night wears on!

 Latham is hanging out and greeting folks up front. - knavesend.thecomicseries.com

Ryan Dow is crying in a corner, working on a heap of Captain Sadness strips.- Ryandow.com

James Powell - facebook.com/jamespowerart

Alex Mitchell - alex-mitchell-studio.com - TUMBLR: red-fathoms
 Kristin Tipping - http://www.kristintippingillustration.com

Jacob Y.
 Thomas Boguszewski

 Neal Skorpen - nealskorpen.com

 Event organizer Carlos Merino. Thank you, Carlos! - http://blog.rentapencil.com

 Sarah Kopitske

Jajeev Nithiananda Nithianarda - bifbam.tumblr.com

Jon Sloan - sa-bomjimcomic.com

 Lisa Marie (not Presley) - lmnop.art   -    facebook.com/lmnopart
Read her 24hr comic at http://lmnopart.typepad.com/blog/

Phil Lee - Pencilpushercomics.com (The Onion Knight)

 Maddi Gonzalez - Maddigonzalez.com

Spencer Amudson - spenceramundson.tumblr.com
 Sara Martin - foundbysara.tumblr.com & foundbysara.com

 Alex Araiza - alex-d-araiza.tumblr.com

Jack Kotz - Jackkotzcomics.tumblr.com
Carlito Quinones - Pencilpushercomics.com

And of course, Ted Anderson, photographed against his will and not participating, but providing moral support for the cartooning community, one of his many natural talents.

Also participated:
Erika  Finne: facebook.com/erika.finne - Erikafinne.com
John Bivens: johnbivens.tumblr.com
Felipe Camargo Rojas - felipecamargorojas.com
Kyle Harabedian - kyleharabedian.com - kyleharabedian.tumblr.com

[Sarah Kopitske, left]
Sara Richardson - uchlaraai.tumblr.com and Scott Barrett - scottbarrettexists.tumblr.com also showed up part time in the evening. 
Steven Stwalley, founding father of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy, Minneapolis cell, brought 24hr comic boxes of past editions for everybody. - Check out his work at:
- Blog at stwallskull.com
- New webcomic, Strip Mall, at webcomix.org/stripmall

- Old webcomic, Monkey's Paw, at webcomix.org/monkeyspaw
- Even older webcomic, Soapy the Chicken, at soapythechicken.com

Thanks again to organizer Carlos Merino and helpers, Latham Luepke, Erika Finne, Neal Skorpen and John Bivens, and our generous sponsors at The Center for Book Arts, The Source Comics and Games (providers of the pizza dinner), and MCAD (providers of coffee and doughnuts galore!) .

Sunday, August 30, 2015

2015--- We are back!

Join us in 2015 to celebrate 24Hour Comic day! 

Oct 3rd at 10AM to Oct 4rd at 10AM

at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts